More photos from Turkey

Aaahhh yes - photo captions again. Hope you are savouring these pics coz they're the last ones you are going to get!!
Photo 1 - "Wallace and Gromit style". a personal favourite of mine. We hired scooters for the afternoon and scootered through the Cappadocia region in helmets which would have passed safety standards in Australia in 1653... Yep - another exciting fairy chimney in the background. This was an awesome afternoon - had we not needed to stop every other half hour for certain members of our group to squat in the public facilities - which in themselves are a pure joy in Turkey.
Photo 2: "Sunrise" - this experience could have been bettered only if it were dusk. We all know there is only one 4:30 in the day.
Photo 3: "Andrew being an idiot". This is the library - and probably best preserved building in Ephesus. It is actually much taller than it looks - seems our photographer has cut half off - but you can see us which is the important part anyway. All our 'proper' photos using slide film on our SLR's will be a bit longer coming..
Photo 4: "High in the hill" is Michael climbing through peoples ancient houses and churches. Some of them go really far into the rock and up several stories. Makes for good investigating if you have a torch - and soem osrt of faith that the whole gorge isn't going to collapse on you.